Lauren McWilliams Brand Photographer & Strategist

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What’s your superpower?

Did you know you have a superpower?

Well, you do. Your superpower is YOU. You’re unlike any other person on this planet – you’re quite literally 1 in 7.1 billion people!

This is so important to remember when you have a business and are marketing yourself. No matter what industry you are in, no matter how many competitors you have, you are different. You are special. That’s before we even consider your business and your offering.

When we become self-employed it is usually for a reason – it’s not something we just do. We have usually had something happen that has led us to follow a new path into the self-employed world. We have a story to tell of our past and a journey to share for our present and future.

The more we invest and give out to our audience the more our audience can invest and give back to us.

Keep that in mind.

The struggle of sharing your superpower

In today’s world marketing yourself and showing off your superpower is so much easier than ever before. We have a wider range of platforms to be seen on and it’s much easier and quicker to share and connect with your audience. In the past we might have had to go through several steps: think about what we’re selling; write a post and create an ad in the local newspaper; or get a few thousand leaflets created and delivered. This was the only way people would know who you were and what you did. Of course, that’s not the case now. We can share content instantly, target our ideal customers and build relationships with them. Like anything there are pros and cons to today’s world of marketing. Firstly, the competition is much higher. There’s more pressure to learn about every social media platform and feel like you must post regularly to be noticed and make sales. If you do get it right though you no longer have to chase to find clients, they will find and refer you. Who doesn’t want that? One of the biggest struggles is feeling like you’re talking too much about yourself, bragging about your success.

Ways to share your superpower

As we have already talked about there are so many platforms offering ways to market ourselves and our businesses. It can feel overwhelming and leave us thinking: “Where do I even begin?” The easiest way to share your superpower is pick two platforms. I learned this from Ellen Forster from Content by the sea. It could be Instagram and LinkedIn, Instagram and a blog, Facebook and Twitter – whatever combination suits you and your business. Whichever you choose spend time learning about the best way to use those two platforms well, rather than trying to learn everything about every platform and spreading yourself thin. Once you have your platforms up and running it’s about nourishing them, giving them your time and attention. Share the following things via posts and images:

  • Who you are?

  • Why you’re where you are now?

  • What you do now?

  • How you do what you do?

  • Where you do what you do?

  • What do you plan for the future?

All of these questions are there to help you share your story, share your superpower. In previous posts I’ve talked about personal brand and the six elements that make up your personal brand. The 6 elements are:

  1. Personality

  2. Authenticity

  3. Vision

  4. Values

  5. Differentiation

  6. Consistency

These elements should always be considered in everything you do, try to include at least one thing in every post.

Why is it important to share your superpower?

To conclude, sharing our personal brand (superpower) and answering the questions above in our marketing and within everything we do, helps us to build relationships with our audience, build engagement and most of all build a valuable client list.Not only will it help you to really connect with your audience it will shine a great big light on you too. It will show you to be different from your competition because you won’t be sharing the same posts, images and stories as them.You will become known to be the expert, go-to professional in your local industry.

If you’re wanting to learn more about how to improve your personal brand or how to capture it using brand photography I would love to chat! Get in touch